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Saving Life
& Property

Leaders in Safety Instructions

Our Products

Environmental Preferred Fire-Extinguishing Solutions

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JN 1010

FT JN1010® Hydrodynamic Spray has strong Fire Retardant & Fire proofing functionality that makes it ideal for fireproofing coating of vehicles, textiles, building materials and other combustible or flammable elements.



FT SLAM is an extremely versatile, 100% green biotechnology that is free from fluorinated surfactants Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS)


Product 3

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Product 4

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Fire Terminator International Pte Ltd is a Singapore based company manufacturing eco-friendly fire-extinguishers – an innovative technology in fire-fighting that puts the environment first. It is a well-known fact in the industry that fires can be contained from spreading and causing extensive damage to life and property, if handled within the first 25 seconds*. Based on this fact, Fire Terminator International Pte Ltd has come up with a great range of innovative, effective, compact & convenient fire extinguishers that are maintenance-free and cause zero-damage. Most importantly, we wanted our product to be GREEN.

People Behind this

Dr. Judah Ray

Experience and Expertise of products


Unique Features

Environmental Friendly

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Hazardous Free

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Easy to Use

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Want to know more...?

This is the space to introduce the Services section. Briefly describe the types of services offered.

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